Deck Name:Tzimisce, Intercept to torpor
Created By:Rui Videira
Crypt: (11 cards, Min: 15, Max: 31, Avg: 5,91)
2  Caliban                  ANI AUS VIC      6,  Tzimisce
1  Devin Bisley             ANI AUS vic      5,  Tzimisce
2  Dragos                   ANI AUS vic      7,  Tzimisce
1  Little Tailor of Prague  ANI AUS dem VIC  8,  Tzimisce
1  Lolita Houston           aus VIC          4,  Tzimisce
2  Meshenka                 ANI AUS VIC      8,  Tzimisce, Priscus
2  Wendy Wade               ani aus          3,  Tzimisce
Library: (90 cards)
Master (15 cards)
3  Blood Doll
1  Direct Intervention
1  Fragment of the Book of Nod
1  Hungry Coyote, The
1  Library Hunting Ground
1  Path of Metamorphosis, The
2  Pentex Subversion
1  Rack, The
2  Rotschreck
2  Vicissitude
Action (5 cards)
2  Army of Rats
2  Revelations
1  Tier of Souls
Action Modifier (4 cards)
4  Changeling
Reaction (38 cards)
6  Cats' Guidance
4  Eagle's Sight
4  Enhanced Senses
10 Forced Awakening
3  Guard Dogs
1  Melange
4  Spirit's Touch
6  Telepathic Misdirection
Combat (20 cards)
6  Body Arsenal
2  Breath of the Dragon
4  Chiropteran Marauder
4  Horrid Form
3  Inner Essence
1  Skin Trap
Equipment (4 cards)
1  Femur of Toomler
3  Living Manse
Combo (4 cards)
4  Plasmic Form
This file was last saved at 17:00:46 on 27-07-2003